Tackling COVID-19

2020-04-02 11:15:09
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  • 코로나 대응자료(Tackling COVID-19,영문).pdf Download
W ith the spread of COVID-19, the world is facing an unprecedented economic and health

crisis. Many global leaders and economists view COVID-19 as “ the gravest challenge since World War II. ” On March 16, the G7 leaders issued a joint statement “acknowledging that the COVID-19 pandemic is a human tragedy and a global health crisis, which also poses major risks for the world economy. ”

In this extreme situation, Korea is becoming a sign of hope and a model to follow. According to major media outlets around the world, “South Korea took rapid, intrusive measures against COVID- 19 and they worked” ( Guardian, March 20). The Fortune evaluated that “South Korea has the highest rate of testing and the most comprehensive data for coronavirus in the world” (March 19).
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